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4-7 17:06:10 JohnnyScottish Guys any chance we can get admin on Siege server? Guy being very toxic : zsoboimo . check chat logs. :)
30-6 20:44:42 Elfe1090 @KoRnographics was genau meint du?
30-6 20:44:00 Elfe1090 @Juppi, schreib halt DA einen banappeal!
30-6 13:14:57 KoRnographics Was ist mit dem BF4 Server DLC Maps Fast Vehicle Spawn 64er passiert Jungs?
30-6 12:45:52 Juppi097 Fakt ist er hat mich mit den Text gemeldet den wir beide hier geschrieben haben und Er zieht sich dann noch Aimbot aus der Nase !Gott sei dank gibt es solche Korruppte Vereine wie Bf4DB usw.nicht mehr die lassen leute weiter Spielen mit Punkbuster Guides die hier Admins sind!Und mich sperren Sie für eine tat was vor mehr als 3 Jahren Passiert ist einfach nur Lächerlich das ganze!!!!
30-6 6:25:59 Elfe1090 @Juppi097 vielleicht guckst du dir den bann mal an, da steht klar das du von Kiplings_Error reportet worden bist mit Daten die DU im Forum geschrieben hast! Mir dafür jetzt die Schuld zu geben ist echt arm.
29-6 20:48:49 JLe72 Juppi097: Wo steht, das Elfe es an BF4DB weiter gegeben hat, jeder hat Zugriff auf unser Forum!
29-6 18:24:44 Juppi097 Vielen dank Elfe1090 das du Informationen weiter gibs an BF4DB die hier geschrieben werden und mir den 1200std Account versaut hast!
27-6 11:34:09 JohnnyScottish @elfe1090 can confirm, thank you and no probs. Have a great day :)
27-6 11:29:51 Elfe1090 @JohnnyScottish you get a mail about your vip today, please for questions about the server use our forum or discord. thanks
27-6 7:57:30 JohnnyScottish Just sent VIP money for all BF4 servers. Keep up the great work guys. Can someone please answer a question though. As yesterday there was an amazing heli pilot base camping occasionally but couldn't be vote kicked?
26-6 18:20:21 JLe72 @cronnixx: Maybe VIP Kick...
25-6 18:16:56 cronnixx why was my friend xxWiiiPxx kicked out from bf4 server ?
24-6 11:44:05 NL Ah nvm I am using the tag which apparently isn't allowed
24-6 11:43:37 NL So I (Mitcherdd) received an e-mail confirming my VIP slot on the BF4 24/7metro No Rules server is running but I am still in queue
23-6 16:15:40 JLe72 cronnixx: Check your emails please - THX!
23-6 16:13:30 cronnixx donated for vip :) :)
22-6 16:41:41 JLe72 @R4ZVEDKA: Type in InGameChat !rules
So you will see the Serverrules for this Server in the InGameChat!
22-6 13:58:31 R4ZVEDKA Where are the server rules written? Give a link to these rules.
22-6 13:36:11 R4ZVEDKA Hello, I have just been kicked out of the server by an administrator - I want to know what I have violated?
20-6 19:42:55 wowemugm donated for vip :)
19-6 19:27:53 JLe72 @PhantomToxx: Check your emails please.
19-6 19:09:05 PhantomToxx donated for vip :)
18-6 20:04:48 JLe72 Quanperfect: Hello, wrong question... ask how to become a Member > «link»
18-6 20:03:28 JLe72 @Eqibox92: Bitte unser TS3 joinen oder es im Discord versuchen!!!
17-6 22:27:27 Quanperfect How to become an admin?
14-6 22:50:50 Eqibox92 Guten abend ein Admin zufällig on?
14-6 21:23:22 Cow Just donated for a VIP Slot :D
14-6 21:22:57 Cow :)
12-6 9:36:59 JLe72 @Nono: I answer of your email...
11-6 22:58:56 Elfe1090 @Nono please use our Forum, for BanAppeals «link»
11-6 22:58:10 Elfe1090 @CANESENSE you wil get a email, when the slot is active..
11-6 21:10:47 Nono Hello guys! Can you unban me from your BFBC2 servers? My nickname is [KGB]Nono. I think I got banned by mistake with some autoban by PUNKBUSTER. When I first installed the game this software was not properly installed and I think this got me banned at first place. I then fixed it, but it seems I'm perma banned from your server. There are not a lot BFBC2 servers and it's sad I can't play in yours. Please unban me if possible.,
11-6 20:18:41 CANESENSE Hi! Can u accept my VIP slots for all server? I donated . Thank u guys!
23-5 17:52:21 Elfe1090 moin
23-5 8:41:54 Cody Moin?
19-4 10:53:01 AnoN336 Just wanted to say Thank you for keeping BF3 #7 *HC* up and running.
13-3 15:52:13 devilliers hi all iam wait kwn if i may get vip slot for free sample try pretty plz my usenames is [WBGK] ultra_champions on bf4 iam play all your sever
6-2 21:37:59 Flappyballsmcfly THX A LOT JLE72
6-2 18:50:14 JLe72 @Flappyballsmcfly: Your VIP-Slot is switched to your new Nickname!
6-2 17:02:20 Flappyballsmcfly i can't go back to my old gamer tag because of ppl trying to hack my accounts, that's why i had to change
6-2 15:31:06 Flappyballsmcfly thx you in advance for helping me
6-2 15:30:17 Flappyballsmcfly Is it possible to swap the Suzye_CheeseCake VIP slot to CheeseCakFactory ? the account is the same only the gamertag has changed. I can't go back the the previous name ...
6-2 15:28:13 Flappyballsmcfly ans can you help me about this because i can't go back to my old account name: someone has picked my former gamer tag ...
5-2 21:07:53 Elfe1090 yes your vip slot is linked to your nickname.
5-2 19:57:58 Flappyballsmcfly i ahve changed my EA gamer tag , maybe because of this the VIP is not working
5-2 19:56:21 Flappyballsmcfly my VIP isjust not working
5-2 19:52:31 Flappyballsmcfly Moin, i have VIP slot with cheesecakFactory account but it is not working properly: it's been 2 weeks that am stuck in the queue when I try to join your BF4 big golmud server... can you help me about that ?
1-2 8:46:12 Elfe1090 moin
1-2 8:11:40 Cody Guten Morgen ?
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