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29-7 17:22:40 kennyktm I literally got banned without breaking the rules too.
29-7 16:18:26 JohnnyScottish Normal for tl7lc to fake report/kick/ban? Complaining constantly but really is just all nothing :(
27-7 17:47:14 JohnnyScottish Never mind sorted :)
27-7 17:12:40 JohnnyScottish guys best place to post videos that will followup a base raping report on your #8 server?
26-7 18:20:50 JLe72 @JohnnyScottish: THX - Your VIP-Slots are online! The email will come next day's...
25-7 18:46:22 JohnnyScottish Sorry emailed donate@ didn't see note attached to paypal refund on my email. Should all be sorted now. Sorry for any inconvenience caused...
21-7 22:07:31 Amar You have bann me.Ich bin der EWOk nt und habe auch nichts bei euch im dc geschrieben
21-7 22:06:33 Amar Hi Elfe
19-7 14:59:47 skudz-uk Hi I am on your bf4 hainan 24/7 there is a player called kill4x who is constantly killing my boat team kills with c4, he taunts me all the time and is toxic and abusive, i have video
11-7 18:04:36 Elfe1090 Hallo 1 Kanzler
11-7 15:44:13 KANZLER_86 Hallo zusammen
11-7 7:52:35 JLe72 @Augustin: Check your emails please!
10-7 18:38:05 Augustin Just payed for one month VIP all servers
5-7 9:43:27 Elfe1090 lady this is a shoutbox, not a chatroom.
3-7 15:28:20 Wunderstrudel Also this might not be Master-Kings fault. He mentioned that he was askekd not to move poeple becos it looked bad or something. Which i can understand but the exact same can be said about letting people winner team join. So i do not wanna put all the blame on Master-King since he might just be doing as told.
3-7 12:06:01 Wunderstrudel Anyhow i do not care that you guys are ruining your servers. I just tried to help you guys fix it. Keep it up i'll just goto the competition. ^^
3-7 11:55:44 Wunderstrudel Nice and mature admins. xD
3-7 11:55:34 Wunderstrudel As i said idk if he is mocing people or just leetting people winner team join. Same same though. It ruins balance and there for the game for 32 other people. If you wanna call it childish that people report shit like this then sure. Then i know how your community is so toxic, it makes sense. :)
Btw. i also asked Master to fix a guy destroying HAVOC when he did not get pilot. Apparently he knew Master, so master didnt do shit. Just told me some dumb one liner. :)
2-7 20:51:21 Elfe1090 we talk to masterking, but how i see just today he move 2 players, which he is playing together in teamspeak..
2-7 20:43:32 Elfe1090 if you dont want to play... just dont join the sever.. we dont ban for this childishbehaivor...
2-7 17:34:04 Wunderstrudel (If possible please perm ban my account: Wunderstrudel)
2-7 17:33:03 Wunderstrudel You guys should really remove 'Master-Kings' admin.
Either he is moving players to his team or he is just letting people winner team join. 3 games in a row i watched how good players randomly just ended up on his team. When confronted with it he just told me to cry less. (Mature behavior and does not care that he is screwing over 32 other people).
Last time i play on your servers and i could imagine a lot of people feel the same. Since it is basicly a 50/50 chance if you get screwed over or not. :)
2-7 17:10:59 BigIceman1982 Please report a cheater next time in the forum or in the discord, as this shoutbox is not monitored. The player is banned.
2-7 13:55:06 SpecForce GTZocker97

2-7 13:54:52 SpecForce hey I want to report a cheater
21-6 5:22:38 JLe72 @Basti3412: what is so difficult to understand this... NO BANAPPEALS IN THE SHOUTBOX!
21-6 3:29:13 Basti3412 Soo i just got banned by an admin after i got my first kill on the server, seems to me like admin abuse
20-6 15:36:18 AngryWallE I was banned for a valid reason afterall.
20-6 15:35:59 AngryWallE Im sorry :( (( I was so desperate to join yesterday, I really love the server.

And just to say this at that point clear, we dont ban without a reason! NEVER...
20-6 4:35:41 AngryWallE Can you guys please help me?
19-6 23:53:18 AngryWallE hello??? Any admins online? I need help please!!!! I really want to play some WBKS server, but cannot join.
19-6 23:50:16 AngryWallE They don't respond to their emails nor to their BanAppeals. wth..
19-6 23:49:46 AngryWallE @koffein44, I literally got banned without breaking the rules too.
19-6 23:48:29 AngryWallE Can any admins help me please?
19-6 23:48:18 AngryWallE Hi I got banned for trolling. Can I please get an unban? I made an appeal already. I have never hacked nor broken any rules. REQUIRE UNBAN PLEASE, BANNED ON ALL SERVERS, NEVER BROKE ANY RULES.
19-6 19:11:09 koffein44 Hello all, I just got banned from Metro server with no rules. What's the reason behind it? I was using EOD Bot and killing everyone, I bet the admin just got upset and abused his powers
18-6 17:20:08 JohnnyScottish So really racist and a base camper.. :( #sadtimes
18-6 17:14:22 JohnnyScottish While i put together new videos not being funny but I don't think this is acceptable -> «link»
13-6 18:12:56 Elfe1090 @johnny yes
13-6 6:48:43 JohnnyScottish @elfe1090 understand just to confirm bf4 feedback yes?
13-6 6:38:28 Elfe1090 our forum
13-6 6:30:40 JohnnyScottish Hey team, have footage of 2 players constantly base camping in the heli. I don't believe they're cheating just v good but it's getting beyond a joke now. Best place to post this?
6-6 9:54:24 JLe72 @Miacat: SORRY hat etwas gedauert... ist jetzt aktiv! Du solltest auch eine email bekommen haben.
5-6 19:08:22 Miacat ok, dann weiss ich bescheid das es noch net geht danke dir;)
5-6 18:33:08 JLe72 @Miacat: Dein VIP wurde noch nicht aktiviert!
5-6 18:21:43 Miacat komischer weise zeigt der mir das an, habe ja bezahlt um halb 7 und um 7 zeigt er mir des an, würde ja sonst nix sagen hmm,
5-6 18:17:16 JLe72 @Miacat: Weil dein VIP abgelaufen ist...
5-6 17:48:47 Miacat wieso werde ich ständig vom server geschmissen als vip.wofür zahle ich dann wenn ich jedesmal reausgeschmissen werde, mein ingame name ist MiacatLP
5-6 17:48:00 Miacat hi zusammen,
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