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BFBC2 Rush All Maps Server Ban

Verfasst: Sonntag 5. April 2020, 15:38
von MertAndacKilic
Hello guys! I'm new here. So, i got banned today on the WBKS Rush All Maps Server and i would like to appeal my ban. I would like to talk about myself a little bit if you don't mind. I started playing this game in 2015 and played consistently every year if not every month. I'm a player that plays on a lot of servers for years. I wasn't into Rush mode generally but due to the outbreak, i'm at home too like everybody else and i started to "feel" this mode more and more. I generally play Conquest though. I'm not new in your servers, played a little bit here and there but i wasn't never a consistent player here. As i said, i'm playing a lot more BFBC2 due to the current situation. Today, i got banned on the server i mentioned. From the ban message, i can see that JLe72 banned me for cheating with M249 but i can say that this is not the case. I know that a lot of cheaters choose this class with high ammo count weapons but it is not the case for me. I'm a long time players and i would like to prove myself to you guys and girls. I'm willing to cooparate. I'm not putting anything furthermore here since i don't know what you will want from me. I will be waiting. Thanks! :)

Re: BFBC2 Rush All Maps Server Ban

Verfasst: Sonntag 5. April 2020, 16:48
von JLe72

i ban you for many "long distance" M249 SWA kills, at the end you habe more than 70kills, the next player has only 15Kills in this round!

Re: BFBC2 Rush All Maps Server Ban

Verfasst: Sonntag 5. April 2020, 21:42
von MertAndacKilic
Hello JLe72,

I admit that my score sometimes look weird or suspect from others perspective but it's due to the fact that i play aggressively, never camp or spam, go for the objectives and kills. On top of that, i play this game a lot. When there are no other "good" players on the team and with a bit of luck, i can reach high amount of kills. Also, i bet you know but in case you don't, fast tap firing with nearly any weapon can kill your opponent at long distance with ease. I don't know what else to tell you. Do you require something from me? Feel free to ask. Thanks! :)

Re: BFBC2 Rush All Maps Server Ban

Verfasst: Montag 6. April 2020, 21:11
von MertAndacKilic
Hello! Any updates? :)

Re: BFBC2 Rush All Maps Server Ban

Verfasst: Donnerstag 9. April 2020, 12:19
von MertAndacKilic
Hello guys! I don’t want to sound rude or impatient but is there any updates about me? I really like this game and due to the outbreak, i don’t leave home and i play more games to fill my huge free time. Do you require something from me? Thanks! :)

Re: BFBC2 Rush All Maps Server Ban

Verfasst: Samstag 11. April 2020, 14:54
von JLe72
Sorry, there are too many suspections in this distance M249 kills!

Re: BFBC2 Rush All Maps Server Ban

Verfasst: Samstag 11. April 2020, 18:44
von MertAndacKilic
Hello JLe72,

I know that you are suspicious about me. It is why you banned me after all but i’m willing to prove otherwise. I’m saying i’m willing to do or share anything in order to get unbanned. It is the main purpose of the Ban Appeal Section after all, right? People come here with hope to get unbanned because they either get banned unfairly, abused a rule or being toxic. I think that i got banned unfairly but if you don’t give me a chance, there is nothing i can do. For example, choose a weapon and a map of your choice and i will record a gameplay of it. I can link the account i’m playing on to show i’m not a newcomer and that i play this game for years. I just want a chance to prove myself. Thanks!

Re: BFBC2 Rush All Maps Server Ban

Verfasst: Dienstag 14. April 2020, 12:37
von MertAndacKilic
Hello! I would like to provide some information in order to get unbanned. ... p_players/ ... p_players/
Above links are the two main servers i played on across the years. ... e=2#search
Above link is the latest server i played on the most. ...
This is a gameplay video of me playing. ... 686023C34/
This is the screenshot of the most kills i got in a round
This is the Steam account i’m playing on. As you can see, i have thousands of hours.
I will be waiting a reply from you guys. Thanks! :)

Re: BFBC2 Rush All Maps Server Ban

Verfasst: Freitag 8. Mai 2020, 06:44
von MertAndacKilic
Hello! I kind of forgot about this post. That’s why i haven’t posted anything. So, i have no idea why i still didn’t get any reply. Don’t the links mean anything? I even posted the account i’m playing on. As i said before, i’m willing to provide any kind of information to clean my name. I will be waiting a reply. Thanks!