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JoinUs - TeeMustonen

Verfasst: Freitag 19. Oktober 2018, 17:47
von TeeMustonen
Hi guys! This is my application for joining the [WBKS] -clan.

• My name is Teemu and my nickname on battlelog and origin is TeeMustonen ( TeeMust1n on PSN)

• I am 20 years old (21 in Feb 2019) and I live in southern Finland (Tampere).

• I speak finnish and english, but I don't understand german. I hope that doesn't prevent me from joining this clan.

• I just moved here for my studies and don't yet have any hobbies here because of that.

• I don't have any special IT experience.

• I don't have any previous Esports experience.

• I found your server and the clan on battlelog back in 2016 and have been playing on your sniper/pistol/knife TDM server ever since.

• I started playing BF in 2012 or 2011 when I got myself BFBC2 for my PS3. I also played BF3 for a while but then my console broke...
I have over 2000 hours of BF4 playtime combined on PS4 and PC (both lvl 140)

• I found WBKS and the servers on battlelog when I started playing BF4 on PC in 2016.

• I just figured it was time to apply for the clan! I have played on your sniper TDM server for hundreds of hours and people there know me very well.
I am currently #4 out of 175k on the server ranks. I consider myself to be one of the best and most active players there since 2016.

• I have a YouTube channel where I sometimes post clips, montages and gameplay. (It also funtions as video proof of my legitness when someone thinks I use cheats.)

When you look at my stats, my KPM with the QSZ-92 might raise some questions. Here is a thread I posted on BF4DB regarding that:

Thanks for reading,

Re: TeeMustonen

Verfasst: Samstag 20. Oktober 2018, 10:08
von Elfe1090
hey we will check this, but thank you for your join us.

To be a part of our clan:
- stay aktiv on our teamspeak
- play and add our servers
- add our members (admins,CoLeader,Leader important and members you play with)
- be aktiv on our forum

Re: TeeMustonen

Verfasst: Sonntag 21. Oktober 2018, 17:17
von TeeMustonen
Thanks for responding, so excited to finally become a member!
Let me know if you have any questions!

Re: TeeMustonen

Verfasst: Sonntag 21. Oktober 2018, 17:31
von Elfe1090
Join our Teamspeak please

Re: JoinUs - TeeMustonen

Verfasst: Montag 22. Oktober 2018, 23:43
von chaosrieke
Zitat: "• I speak finnish and english, but I don't understand german. I hope that doesn't prevent me from joining this clan."

Macht er bestimmt gerne ;D

Schöne Bewerbung. Hoffentlich finden sich auch mal ein paar Locker Player Bewerbungen ;)

Re: JoinUs - TeeMustonen

Verfasst: Dienstag 6. November 2018, 14:53
von JLe72
Someone see him in TS3?

Re: JoinUs - TeeMustonen

Verfasst: Dienstag 6. November 2018, 15:53
von Elfe1090

Re: JoinUs - TeeMustonen

Verfasst: Dienstag 6. November 2018, 16:00
von Goodfood2k16
I have seen him once or twice.

Re: JoinUs - TeeMustonen

Verfasst: Freitag 16. November 2018, 18:50
von Goodfood2k16


TeeMustonen: DPS Automatic Ban [4-QSZ92-42-17634-1992-41143]

i am checking the source...


Re: JoinUs - TeeMustonen

Verfasst: Freitag 16. November 2018, 19:19
von judge1967
i unbanned him as he is approved on BF4DB.

Also not seen him in TS3.