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JoinUs - Stark_Technology

Verfasst: Mittwoch 12. Oktober 2016, 22:46
von flake_dyfeku
Please write in your mail subject line your nick for the overview of the applications.
Name (Rando Kuqari & Stark_technology ( Bgbc2 ) ( randoal ( other games on Origin))
Your age (01.01.91( i was indeed born on new years :D)
Languages ​​available? (I speak Albanian, English and a little italian.)
Your place of residence when outside the FRG also the country. I am Albanian, living in Albania.
What are your hobbies when you just do not sit on the PC? I don't have a very sporty body , but i love football and Ping pong so thats what i will be probably doing. I also traver alot with my car.
Any special IT experiences? I am a 'Noob" Web designer ,Unity app and games developer and a tech guy in general.
Clan experience, if so which Game and communities? Currently on 80's clan on BFBC2
League experience (ESL / 4PL / DeSBL etc.) No experience in these languages.
How did you hear about us? Been playing on your servers since 2012 and they are my favorites.
How long have you been playing BF3? i do own BF3 but BFBC2 is my one and only true love :D
Link to Battlelogprofil :
A little free text, why, why and why you'd like to be [WBKS] Member? I always liked to belong somewhere. I have many real life friends, and i would like to keep it that way even on the internet. WBKS is a very solid example of what i want to join. You have your own servers very organised and always online. And i would like to join this group and give my best in it. Especially on BFBC2 servers where i'm almost always playing.
Hope my request is considered and approved.
Rando !
A photo of yourself in the Annex would be great!

Re: Stark_Technology Join wbks

Verfasst: Mittwoch 12. Oktober 2016, 23:14
von judge1967

Further to our chat on TS3.
Your application is fine, glad you could understand :P
Here are a few points.

1. When zocken in our TS3 (IP: be to play together and to know each other ... VERY IMPORTANT -
2. play with us on the servers ...
3.Add the [WBKS] Member / server via (Battlelog) to play with each other ...
4. be active in the forum ...
5.A picture of you would be Great


Re: JoinUs - Stark_Technology

Verfasst: Mittwoch 19. Oktober 2016, 08:35
von JLe72
Don't see him in our TS3 - someone else?

Re: JoinUs - Stark_Technology

Verfasst: Mittwoch 19. Oktober 2016, 09:32
von Adolf-Schmidt
JLe72 hat geschrieben:Don't see him in our TS3 - someone else?
No see him

Gruß Soldier Adolf-Schmidt

Re: JoinUs - Stark_Technology

Verfasst: Montag 31. Oktober 2016, 23:04
von GERCobra88
I have see him. It was in the night at 2:00am or 3:00am at the last Week.

Re: JoinUs - Stark_Technology

Verfasst: Mittwoch 2. November 2016, 22:53
von judge1967
iv'e not spoken to him since the application nor have i seen him in TS.

Re: JoinUs - Stark_Technology

Verfasst: Dienstag 8. November 2016, 17:03
von Aycaramba81
never seen

Re: JoinUs - Stark_Technology

Verfasst: Samstag 12. November 2016, 14:15
von JLe72