Moin. I wanted to report on a player, which always breaks the rules of the server. This situation is constant with this person ... fWestwood/ , so I have decided to show his behavior and how he empties the server.
Sorry about the music at first, I went to the server and I found this player doing this.
I have to add as additional data, that this player has already been banned previously with his other account.
I also don't understand if this guy is racist or just has some obsession with Russian people.
I'm not even Russian, but sometimes he needs some medication. He sees Russians everywhere
Banned account: ... ORIAN-PAX/
Actual account: ... fWestwood/
If you could do something about it to improve the coexistence in your server we would appreciate it very much. Thanks in advance.
Ban request
Re: Ban request
we will check this thanks for your report