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Post by grimreaper1966 »

Again I'll bring to your attention the unbearable lag that #1 server is suffering from. Ive done the route trace etc and the bottom line is now because everyone is sick of it, the server goes unpopulated. It's an issue that you have to take up with your host. Don't let them tell you it's DDOS attacks or the usual BS that they tend to fob off on account holders. It's real, this host is shocking. And it cannot hold 64 men. It needs a serious RAM upgrade or a different host altogether. I play on other German servers that are nowhere near the poor latency I endure on your server. People are now voting with their feet and playing elsewhere. I see on my buddy list and the complaints about the lag on here. Sort it out please take it as an issue and address it don't keep sweeping this under the carpet..
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Re: Lag

Post by JLe72 »

Hello Grim,

i check the logs now in august for "LagReports".
If you are looking on date and time when you have lags and writing in chat, no one cares about this, you got no answer!
Other Players have no lags to this time, if the server is sooooo laaaaaaaaaaggggy you should get an answer about your chat... ;)
And btw stop to write "Shit Lagg Server" or something else! :evil:

Player Message Date

Subset77 yep lag 13. August 2021 21:08
Smifel_Smifel lag? 13. August 2021 21:08
painfulkeklel lags 13. August 2021 20:30
cateuna lags 13. August 2021 19:39
grimreaper1966 shit server too much lagg 13. August 2021 11:52
Subset77 meh I had lag with TV XD 13. August 2021 11:22
grimreaper1966 people aing coming here because of lagg 12. August 2021 15:30
Seekez lagg 10. August 2021 21:25
grimreaper1966 SHIITY LAGG SERVER 8. August 2021 20:15
grimreaper1966 LAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 8. August 2021 20:01
Mr_Andy5 fucking hate the lag can barely fly come onnnn 8. August 2021 16:46
Neofitov_N yes laggy 8. August 2021 16:44
Mr_Andy5 is it laggy or is just me? 8. August 2021 16:44
Ikram1337 game lag 7. August 2021 17:33
Pscx1 unbeliveable lags for no reason lol 6. August 2021 19:23
grimreaper1966 lag on this server is fukking aweful 5. August 2021 20:53
grimreaper1966 im getting bad lagg 5. August 2021 20:50
grimreaper1966 lag is shit on here 5. August 2021 20:50
McGregf lag? 3. August 2021 22:49
theegyption lag 3. August 2021 16:24
AbnoxiuX mostly because of my lag 2. August 2021 23:45
Dudul_Bor server lag? 1. August 2021 23:27
08REFUSE80 hope the lags are going away... 1. August 2021 21:38
XxXBRUTALKINGXxX faking lag 1. August 2021 21:37
RaiyjinGun this server is so laggy omg 1. August 2021 21:34
Man messert sich...

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