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#8 server

Verfasst: Dienstag 26. Januar 2021, 20:40
von grimreaper1966
Please can you make the #8 server the same Mhz as your #1 server. On #8 the Tvs are just super sensitive and on #1 they are perfect. Thank you.

Re: #8 server

Verfasst: Donnerstag 28. Januar 2021, 19:06
von JLe72
grimreaper1966 hat geschrieben: Dienstag 26. Januar 2021, 20:40 Please can you make the #8 server the same Mhz as your #1 server. On #8 the Tvs are just super sensitive and on #1 they are perfect. Thank you.

did you pay us monthly 68,30€?
So we will update #8 to an EPS-Server...

Re: #8 server

Verfasst: Samstag 30. Januar 2021, 09:12
von grimreaper1966
30, what is an EPS server? All im asking is make it the same as your number 1 #1 60hz please.

Re: #8 server

Verfasst: Samstag 30. Januar 2021, 14:29
von JLe72
grimreaper1966 hat geschrieben: Samstag 30. Januar 2021, 09:12 30, what is an EPS server? All im asking is make it the same as your number 1 #1 60hz please.
Yes, to run the server with 60hz we have to make an update to "EPS-Server" > 68,30€ monthly
Server #1 is an EPS-Server.
Google BF4 EPS-Server please...

Re: #8 server

Verfasst: Sonntag 28. Februar 2021, 18:03
von grimreaper1966
Your hosts shouldn't be charging you for a 64 man server. It clearly cannot cope with that amount of players. This is definitely a hardware issue.