
NO ban Appeal!

Moderators: Elfe1090, feldsau

Posts: 39
Joined: Wednesday 27. April 2016, 15:13

BF3 - Cheater melden

Post by The_Stromberg »

Der Troll ist wieder da Player: "Rembrandt87" auf Shaqui Penisula BF3 ... Ich habe mehr als 1000 Spielstunden auf dem Server und bin schon sehr lange bei WBKS und war auch mal Member und Admin auf dem Server)... Wir haben ausserdem eine Shaqui Penisula Vip Facbook Gruppe mit 17 Fan Migliedern die alle sehr oft auf dem Server Spielen und alle würde es sehr begrüssen wenn er wieder permanent gebannt werden würde... da er der Fan Community schadet...

Rembrandt87 ist wohl sehr jung und aus Polen er wurde schon 3 mal Von WBKS dort gebannt und auch schon für 2 Monate am Stück.(Letztes mal Anfang Dezember) Er kommt dann aber immer wieder und es fängt alles von vorne an . Beleidigungen, unfaires Spielen,Votekicks .ect... Schadenfreude, Regelverstoß,Dauercamping, Rumgetrolle und endlose Diskussionen mit Beleidigungen mit allen und jedem... Wir hoffen das dieses Grauen ein Ende wieder ein Ende hat...

Alle Member Der Shaqui Fan PAge

Re: BF3 - Cheater melden

Post by Guest »

Ok, I think it is a time to finally say something...I was quiet before because I really don't like to report people, I prefere to fix the problems by myself not on public but behavior of player "The_Stromberg" went definitely too far. Almost everything what he said in previous post is a lie. I am the one of the oldest player on the server - #6 [WBKS] 24/7 CQ Sharqi Peninsula {200%Tickets} (BF3) I have been playing on your server for many years, I started long time before "The_Stromberg" and rest of "now regular" players. ... p_players/ I spent a lot of time trying to fill up your server by players and just taking care of it. Also I 've never wanted anything in return. I've met a lot of people and as you know people are different (good mature players, angry mad kids, cheaters etc.) usually if someone tries to put some insults only I am not reacting but when some guy suddenly grows from under the ground and starts treating your sever as his own toy and throws threats to other players then as a regular player I feel obliged to react. Player The_Stromberg is a guy who treats your server as his own. He created some small Facebook page about the community of Sharqi players (wtf!?) which is actually a bunch of few random not even regular players. He acts like an admin who can do anything. He tries to decide who can play on your server and who does not. If he does not like someone he constantly put a votekick or voteban and force other players to vote against. If someone does not agree with him then he threatens him with ban. Yerterday he even called some random player HergentheKIller (or it was his 2nd account) to join a server and put votekick and voteban against me without any reason ... 805497834/ I did not break the rules I always play by the rules, sometimes I am arguing with other players but I NEVER BREAK THE SERVER RULES! You can check server chat from yesterday which is 12.03.2019r. around 19:45. All started few days ago (also this is not our first disagreement) I asked a "regular Sharqi players" (The_Stromberg puppets) to make some better balance on the server because it was huge unbalance (They played all in 1 team against me and 2 other the rest was afk). The_Stromberg and his teammates never cares about good balance. They just prefere to ruin all game instead of put !assist and help to run the server properly. Also player The_Stromberg is a one who is constantly ruin a game because of his playstyle. He is playing non stop on the rules edge doing whole round baserape and saying only "I can because this is allowed" and yes it is I know the rules very well but in this he pushes away other players who wants play on your server and they are leaving because They can't even spawn and it makes a great, huge unbalance...he is spending time in heli non stop. Even when he plays against 2 ppl..I asked him nicely many times to not doing this because we need more players but he never listen. In my opinion his behavior discourages many players from joining to the server. I am not asking for anything to myself. I simply ask for normal game and stop intimidate other players by The_Stromberg. I also want him to stop put !votekick and !voteban without any reason!!! This is abuse!! I have the same right to be on your server as him! And also I have right to say my opinion(without insults) on chat when i see something bad happening on the server. Just STOP and play normal!

Best regards,

Re: BF3 - Cheater melden

Post by trgvenom »

OMG I'm shocked, Rembrandt had turned out such a kind person !!! because in reality he's opposite. he's playing role right now here. these words are completly lies. he's always always disturbing, annoying other people who doesnt think like him.
he want no one will fly around if someone starts to fly he will start to insult and votekick&voteban. Many gamers who plays in the server regularly, tried to explain him that these are rules and we are playing according to rules but it doesnt matter for him. he's starting to be bully and usually people are living the server because of him. Gamers are saying ok these are rules if you dont like, if you are feeling this is not your style just leave us alone without you. We dont have to listen your bad words during game.
if any admin is reading this words please ban him permanently. we just want to play with peace. this is guy making environment dirty.


[quote=Guest post_id=30421 time=1552473368]

Ok, I think it is a time to finally say something...I was quiet before because I really don't like to report people, I prefere to fix the problems by myself not on public but behavior of player "The_Stromberg" went definitely too far. Almost everything what he said in previous post is a lie. I am the one of the oldest player on the server - #6 [WBKS] 24/7 CQ Sharqi Peninsula {200%Tickets} (BF3) I have been playing on your server for many years, I started long time before "The_Stromberg" and rest of "now regular" players. ... p_players/ I spent a lot of time trying to fill up your server by players and just taking care of it. Also I 've never wanted anything in return. I've met a lot of people and as you know people are different (good mature players, angry mad kids, cheaters etc.) usually if someone tries to put some insults only I am not reacting but when some guy suddenly grows from under the ground and starts treating your sever as his own toy and throws threats to other players then as a regular player I feel obliged to react. Player The_Stromberg is a guy who treats your server as his own. He created some small Facebook page about the community of Sharqi players (wtf!?) which is actually a bunch of few random not even regular players. He acts like an admin who can do anything. He tries to decide who can play on your server and who does not. If he does not like someone he constantly put a votekick or voteban and force other players to vote against. If someone does not agree with him then he threatens him with ban. Yerterday he even called some random player HergentheKIller (or it was his 2nd account) to join a server and put votekick and voteban against me without any reason ... 805497834/ I did not break the rules I always play by the rules, sometimes I am arguing with other players but I NEVER BREAK THE SERVER RULES! You can check server chat from yesterday which is 12.03.2019r. around 19:45. All started few days ago (also this is not our first disagreement) I asked a "regular Sharqi players" (The_Stromberg puppets) to make some better balance on the server because it was huge unbalance (They played all in 1 team against me and 2 other the rest was afk). The_Stromberg and his teammates never cares about good balance. They just prefere to ruin all game instead of put !assist and help to run the server properly. Also player The_Stromberg is a one who is constantly ruin a game because of his playstyle. He is playing non stop on the rules edge doing whole round baserape and saying only "I can because this is allowed" and yes it is I know the rules very well but in this he pushes away other players who wants play on your server and they are leaving because They can't even spawn and it makes a great, huge unbalance...he is spending time in heli non stop. Even when he plays against 2 ppl..I asked him nicely many times to not doing this because we need more players but he never listen. In my opinion his behavior discourages many players from joining to the server. I am not asking for anything to myself. I simply ask for normal game and stop intimidate other players by The_Stromberg. I also want him to stop put !votekick and !voteban without any reason!!! This is abuse!! I have the same right to be on your server as him! And also I have right to say my opinion(without insults) on chat when i see something bad happening on the server. Just STOP and play normal!

Best regards,
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Re: Beschwerde

Post by Elfe1090 »


1. wie man sieht habe ich das ganze mal verschoben, denn dies ist ja kein CHEATER der reportet wird, sondern es ist lediglich ein bisschen rumheulen, weil einem was nicht passt.

2. sind wir im Kindergarten? mimimi der hat mir den kill geklaut, mimimi der ist doof, mimimi der beleidigt ( davon habe ich in den chatlog im übrigen nichts mehr gefunden, welche beleidigungen gab es denn?)

3. was ich sehe ist ein missbrauch der vote funktion sowohl der voteban als auch der votekick, wie richtig im chat zu lesen ist sehen wir sowas überhaupt nicht gerne!

4. und das ist der letzte punkt und gilt für beide seite, wir werden das ganze in zukunft wieder etwas mehr ins auge fassen und sollte es weiter so laufen bekommen die, die das ganze scheinbar anzetteln, beide eine auszeit, in dem fall so wie ich das sehe sind das dann Rembrandt87 und The_Stromberg.

Reißt euch einfach zusammen das ist ein spiel und nicht das echte leben und keiner von euch ist admin auf diesem server!


1. As you can see I have postponed the whole time, because this is not a CHEATER is the reportset, but it's just a bit howl, because what does not fit.

2. Are we in kindergarten? mimimi who stole me the kill, mimimi is stupid, mimimi offended (of which I have in the chatlog in the rest found nothing more, what insults were there?)

3. what I see is a misuse of the vote function both the voteban and the votekick, how to read correctly in the chat is we do not like that at all!

4th and this is the last point and applies to both sides, we will take the whole thing in the future a little more in the eye and it should continue to run so those who apparently start the whole, both a break, in the case as I see that's Rembrandt87 and The_Stromberg.

Just break up this is a game and not the real life and none of you is admin on this server!

No further discussion
Admin und Trial-Betreuung


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