Ban for a high barrel=)

Moderators: Elfe1090, feldsau

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Ban for a high barrel=)

Post by Jackson78ru »

Hello dear server administrators! Today on server # 2 [WBKS] MixMode - AllMaps {200% T / FastSpawnFly / Noob} there was an incident with a player under the nickname RedArmyCommisar. This player provoked the vote accusing me of cheating. And the situation was as follows: on the "Markaz" map, he hovered over my tank while driving a Z-11 helicopter, transferred to the passenger seat and fired at me from an RPG. I, in turn, drove off a little. transplanted to the machine gunner's place and destroyed him along with the helicopter. After several unsuccessful attacks of this type, he declared that my machine gun barrel was too high =) and abused the vote for a ban against me. Naturally, the players of the opposite team, angry that they were losing that battle, supported the provider (although as far as I could see there were only 3 votes, he voted twice and another player once). As a result, I flew off the server like a champagne cork, although I never used cheats or even mods in any game. In general, I appeal to you with a request to understand the situation and punish those responsible =). Best regards Jackson78ru.
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Re: Ban for a high barrel=)

Post by Elfe1090 »

you are unbanned

we will take a look at the other player.

topic closed =)
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