Hi ! I i got banned from : #2 [WBKS] MixMode - AllMaps {200%T/FastSpawnFly/Noob} BF3
I was flying with a jet and then some guy started a voteban against me (the voteban needed only 2 !yes votes) that guy also stated that i was "hacking".
I think its kinda unfair that the voteban required only 2 votes.
Literally i got banned just because that guy was tired of me.
In game name: -PeriDor1to-
Unban request
Re: Unban request
We will take a look on it, a voteban is for 1 day, when it just need two votes so there wasn’t much players on the server.
We will proof that and inform you
Thanks for your massage
We will take a look on it, a voteban is for 1 day, when it just need two votes so there wasn’t much players on the server.
We will proof that and inform you
Thanks for your massage