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Metro Retricted Area

Verfasst: Donnerstag 4. August 2022, 23:39
von SpartaNLOuu
Hello, i was ontop of the train in metro with a few guys on there camping and i jumped over ones head when he was crouched and got out of the map, i quickly tried to press redeploy but my screen went black, how could i sort this out? Thanks. I've been playing on the server for a few weeks now, me and my friends play sometimes, we really enjoy the experience, it's the only metro server i play due to it's big ticket size, Hope to sort this out, Thank you. :)


Re: Metro Retricted Area

Verfasst: Freitag 5. August 2022, 08:29
von Elfe1090

we unbanned you.
But next time a ban like this will stay.

topic closed