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Ban Appeal

Posted: Thursday 11. August 2016, 19:00
by Warragh
Hi , i need your help because im ban from your sever : [WBKS] Gaming#02 - Metro - NoRules {3000T/NoobMagnet/AllWeapon} because i was a menber of the platoon TPRM and we all have ben ban from your server suspected to be hackers , but we are not , and me i never hack , so i ask for an unban because im ban for no reasons , thx for your help and your time and see ya on WBKS metroserver ( i hope :) )

Re: Ban Appeal

Posted: Friday 12. August 2016, 08:16
by JLe72
All TPRM Members are banned for "Extrem Redzoning and more"!