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Bann appeal-Un ban plese

Posted: Thursday 31. December 2015, 15:07
by omarayyoub2
In BF4 metro server, the player "D4rkmatt3r" voteban me, there was no reason other "cheater", just insulted me for my emblem as Arabic flag, and said: "arabi bitch cheater", this player try much attempts in whole game to kick me, but atlast he passed... please unban me.
this is ban:
The player "D4rkmatt3r" voted me in every round if face me...!

Please unban me, I'm not cheater.

Re: Bann appeal-Un ban plese

Posted: Thursday 31. December 2015, 16:01
by judge1967
I unban you.

Re: Bann appeal-Un ban plese

Posted: Friday 1. January 2016, 03:10
by Guest
thank you very much.