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JoinUs - 1Happy_Shot

Posted: Saturday 16. February 2019, 22:37
by 1Happy_shot
Hello to all admins!

I would like to join the wbks clan,I have followed the steps as follows:

My first name : Anass
Nickname: 1Happy_Shot
Age: 21; date: 03/10/1997
Foreign languages: English,French,Italian,Arabic,and a little basics of German language.
Place of residence: Morocco,Oujda city.
My hobbies and interests: Football,basketball,reading novels,swimming,and volunteer work.
IT experience: I know a little of everything when it comes to Technology since I was a kid,Fimiliar with hardware and software.
Clan experience: No clan.
I heard about you guys from an admin that I got to know via playing,admin "Sadman"
I have been playing bf since the launch.
Link to my battlelog profile: ... 874481/pc/

Why do I want to be a wbks member: First of all as a player in the field I always take the lead and help my team mates to acheive the best results we can,going from that my intention to be involved in a clan comes from the fact that clans are the perfect way to establish a good gaming experience and get to know players from all the world and have fun and create bridges of communication. I love the wbks clan because it makes all that I mentioned true. Moreover,I think I have the skills and the proper techniques and communication skills to be an excellent leader and join the wbks team to play and socialize with my fellow WBKS members.

Re: JoinUs - 1Happy_Shot

Posted: Sunday 17. February 2019, 10:28
by Elfe1090

thank you for your join us.

To be a part of our clan:
- stay aktiv on our teamspeak
- play and add our servers
- add our members (admins,CoLeader,Leader important and members you play with)
- be aktiv on our forum

Re: JoinUs - 1Happy_Shot

Posted: Sunday 3. March 2019, 09:36
by Elfe1090
Never seen in Teamspeak