We need at least 1-2 temporary Admins for BFBC2 WBKS all map

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We need at least 1-2 temporary Admins for BFBC2 WBKS all map

Post by Astyag »

I and my friends (the GIIFPN squad players (8) ) are always playing on WBKS all maps BFBC2 and we love this server plus we have built a semi small community with other players where we stay in touch out of the game too. Sometimes we really suffer when a troll, hackers, aimbot, c4 spammer or even CG spammers come to the server and ruin the game. When we try to votekick it is frustrating as it is hard to find 8 players who will focus on chat and vote to kick the unwanted players or even sometimes the server is not nicely balanced and we need to distribute the elite players in both teams to avoid unbalance rage quit and etc. Admin Judge and very few other Admins have been kind enough to help us with the kicks and bans in case of hackers. However, by the time we get to teamspeak, either the abuser has left the server or sometimes there are no Admins to find (very rare, only sometimes).
Hence I think we really need temporary admins among the frequent players of the servers whom other players can trust and who will manage and will not abuse the Admin privilege. The players have always encouraged me to come forward and start the trial and be a temporary Admin to see how thinks shape.
Herewith I want to request and nominate myself to be granted with Admin privileges on trial basis until further notice.

Thanking you for your cooperation and time.
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Re: We need at least 1-2 temporary Admins for BFBC2 WBKS all

Post by judge1967 »

Hi Astyag

As spoken about in TS keep connected to TeamSpeak while playing either in channel or AFK channel
so you are seen by other members and that way get to know each other.

I don't think any members play BFBC2 so will be good to have an active Admin in there.
I can't see any problem with trial starting immediately but that's not upto me.

If you can post information about yourself hobbies, any kind of IT experience and gaming that will be great.
OH and a pic of yourself :P

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Re: We need at least 1-2 temporary Admins for BFBC2 WBKS all

Post by Astyag »

Hi Judge,

Sure I will do as you instructed :) and be online on TS all the time.
I am an IT graduate - networking track. I live, work and born in dubai, UAE. However, I am ethnically Iranian. I speak in near 10 different languages: English, Spanish, Russian, Farsi (official language), Achoomi (Mother tongue), Hindi, Urdu, Malayalam, Arabic and veeeeery little of German and French (Basic level). I have done many online courses in my free time. Regular Battlefield Bad company 2 player since 2011 at least. I have built nice relation, friendship and community with WBKS server players, I know many of them since 2012 at least. I am active on discord with dth clan, dogtag hunters clan who play BFBC2 and most of the time they have their own normal servers as well as Modded server :) There are more to myself but I think that is enough for now :)
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Re: We need at least 1-2 temporary Admins for BFBC2 WBKS all

Post by humungus »

Hallo, ich kenne "Astyag" seit etwa einem Jahr und habe ihn immer als besonnen, fair und vermittelnd erlebt. Er wäre ein guter temporärer Admin für die All Maps. Es wäre gut, einen Spieler wie ihn online zu haben, der die größten Störer einfach kicken kann, bevor sie allen anderen das Spiel versauen. Ich denke in erster Linie an a) Spieler, die im Chat kontinuierlich trollen und hetzen und b) Spieler, die den Spielverlauf durch vorsätzliches Handeln sabotieren. Beides kommt immer wieder vor. Ich kann mich auch nicht erinnern, mal jemand von WBKS im Spiel gesehen zu haben.

Sollte es sprachliche Hürden geben kann ich gerne auf Englisch übersetzen.

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Re: We need at least 1-2 temporary Admins for BFBC2 WBKS all

Post by JLe72 »

Someone see him in TS3 last weeks?
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Re: We need at least 1-2 temporary Admins for BFBC2 WBKS all

Post by Northcore »

Nein nie gehört oder gesehen, aber Admin für ALLE Server halte ich ein bissel für falsch.. Ich denke,dass Astyag sicher keine Ahnung von BF4 hat. Daher wäre er für mich als Admin dort sicher nicht hilfreich, sondern eher *störend* ( weil man ihn sicher hinterher räumen muss). Wie es bei BFC aussieht, kann ich net beurteilen.

nordische grüße dat Northi
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Re: We need at least 1-2 temporary Admins for BFBC2 WBKS all

Post by JLe72 »

Northcore wrote:Nein nie gehört oder gesehen, aber Admin für ALLE Server halte ich ein bissel für falsch.. Ich denke,dass Astyag sicher keine Ahnung von BF4 hat. Daher wäre er für mich als Admin dort sicher nicht hilfreich, sondern eher *störend* ( weil man ihn sicher hinterher räumen muss). Wie es bei BFC aussieht, kann ich net beurteilen.
nordische grüße dat Northi
Es geht hier auch nur um BFBC2!!
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Re: We need at least 1-2 temporary Admins for BFBC2 WBKS all

Post by Aycaramba81 »

Anfang Dezember war er noch häufiger im TS, aber in letzter Zeit nicht mehr gesehen
Ich komme aus Ironien, das liegt an der sarkastischen Grenze. Wenn ihr mich sucht, ich steh im Lexikon unter: Provokant, biestig und ironisch
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Re: We need at least 1-2 temporary Admins for BFBC2 WBKS all

Post by JLe72 »

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