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Battlefield3 #7WBKS
Posted: Monday 23. March 2020, 22:32
by Staszek994
hello I am writing about the battlefield3 game the case concerns server # 7WBKS in Bf3, many players are asking what happened to the assault mode, is there a return to the assault mode in hardcore mode? many players lack this mode and run away from the server, and there is no server that would attract good players, please return the old server with the assault mode, many players miss this mode please contact thank you,
writing with help of translator google
i learn language maaany years ago , thanks
battlelog Staszek994
Re: Battlefield3 #7WBKS
Posted: Saturday 28. March 2020, 17:45
by JLe72
this Server has only ClassicMaps, there are never AssaultMaps in the MapRotation. In 2019 this was a MixMode Server but only with ClassicMaps.
Maybe we can try and put one Map in the Rotation, when the Server is full (more than 48 Players are online)...
What Map do yo (or the other's) prefer?
What's with an Donation for the Server (maybe VIP)?
Look here, an other Post about Server #7:
viewtopic.php?f=106&p=32220&sid=0764d26 ... 391#p32220
Re: Battlefield3 #7WBKS
Posted: Sunday 29. March 2020, 14:21
by Staszek994
yes olny calssic map , just put rushmode in rotationmap
siene ,bazaar,caspian,kharg,firestorm,nousahr,
as it used to be
we miss old rotation map
please please start with bazaar,kharg
guarantees that people will be satisfied
please add in rotation not in vote
we will see
Thank you
wite with translator
Re: Battlefield3 #7WBKS
Posted: Monday 30. March 2020, 18:29
by LeVeL89
Staszek is right, we are all miss good old rush mode on this server, and we are gonna be thankful for adding some classic rush maps to rotation...
Re: Battlefield3 #7WBKS
Posted: Wednesday 1. April 2020, 20:17
by JLe72
we will check this...
Whats about more Feedback, only two are not enough!
Re: Battlefield3 #7WBKS
Posted: Thursday 2. April 2020, 22:45
by Staszek994
Yo, we are writing as the BANG clan, we ask that it would be a good solution for the server,
a lot of players after changing the mode only for conquest switched to Fear server is sad because you played in the mode of assault and conquest for years
everything in yours hands, for starters please give some assault maps in rotation
we write it for the common good, after all the point is that this server would be constantly besieged by people as it was throughout its entire existence
wite with translator,
Re: Battlefield3 #7WBKS
Posted: Friday 3. April 2020, 00:35
by BountyHunter_PL
There isn`t much to say, I support the previous speakers.
Re: Battlefield3 #7WBKS
Posted: Friday 3. April 2020, 16:39
it was more fun back when WBKS #7 had the old map rotation and just enough tickets. Now I played Conquest Large on Seine Crossing map and to be honest it was kinda boring with less then 48 players and one round last for almost one hour. And funny thing is the next map is just the same all over again.
It would be nice to bring back good old WBKS #7 with conquest large and rush modes, classic maps and round that is no longer than 30 mins. If I remember correctly it was air conquest large maps, then city maps and then rush. It doesn't have to be in the same order. I would prefer mix like - one air map, then one city map, conquest then rush etc.
I used to play on hardcore servers, but since they are mostly empty I switched to normal like WBKS #2 - with more players it's more fun. Also I don't want to play one map for more then hour.
Re: Battlefield3 #7WBKS
Posted: Friday 3. April 2020, 17:33
by BakedMuffinPow
+1 Majority of the regular WBKS7 players want rush back
Tho i dont like the old rotation , server always got empty around 21:00-22:00 when Caspian-kharg-operation came after eachother , maybe would be better to put a few small maps in between
Re: Battlefield3 #7WBKS
Posted: Saturday 4. April 2020, 12:51
by AnoN336
1st of all-hello and Thank you for having a server up.
IMO, getting two or so people to write their concerns about BF3, a pretty much dead game-Is fantastic. That being said...
I concur-for the Rush map infusion. It was nice-it was the way it was when I first started playing "over here"-(me being in the USA).
However, I think you have an even bigger problem that keep people from playing/coming in. And the thing is.... I believe you already know it.
SovietWings. Enough said. JLE you come in and sit on the server.. do you watch him? Come play against him and draw your own conclusions... I degress.
So. yes. A few minor issues and one big one.
But, the server is the best going either way.. it can just be "better".
I will consider donating again but, for me... its not the maps anymore. It's good game play and honest game play.