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Insult and Baserape

Posted: Sunday 24. February 2019, 07:15
by Hard_Rus_Soldier
Hi, I want to leave a complaint about eisen_affe. On the first video, I killed him in a fair fight, but he did not accept defeat as a real warrior, but started insulting me and trying to ban him as a 15-year-old schoolboy who plays Call of Duty, this is unacceptable and forbidden rules.
He also dealt with Baserape in the second video, it is also prohibited by the rules.
I beg you to take action.

Re: Insult and Baserape

Posted: Sunday 24. February 2019, 11:08
by Elfe1090
Today is the 24th February and this happen on 7th February, WHY should i ban him now for something that happen weeks ago?

and in your secound video i see that he kill you once, thats not baseraping, its not nice but even not a baserape..

Re: Insult and Baserape

Posted: Sunday 24. February 2019, 11:59
by Hard_Rus_Soldier
There was no time to process the video. Busy was learning. Once is not considered baserape?

Re: Insult and Baserape

Posted: Sunday 24. February 2019, 13:40
by Elfe1090
no we can see what happen before or after that. so no it is not a proof for baserape