Battlefield 3 - Report a Cheater / Cheater melden

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Re: BF3 - Cheater melden

Post by judge1967 »

Loginet wrote:HI,

wieder ein Cheater auf eurem SQDM Noshahr Server. ... s_Sicarius

bitte ban, danke.

Gruß Loginet
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Re: BF3 - Cheater melden

Post by LordRade »

Hallo liebe WBKSler.

kann mir mal einer sagen warum sich manche auf dem Metro no rules server aufführen als gehöre er ihnen?
Gestern. Eine Situation. es gab da einen Spieler papa-irgentwas. Um den geht es nicht direkt.

viele waren der Meinung das er hackt oder iwi schummelt. Darauf kam dieser pimpJihad und fing an von wegen. Nein papa. der hackt nicht. mach sie alle fertig papa. und blablabla. du hast meinen segen papa und und.

da sagten ihm einige und ich auch. shut up. da fing der scheiß dann erst an. er wäre hier die nummer. er kennt judge. er würde mir nen ban verschaffen und ob ich einen wolle. dann nannte er mich noch focking cunt und einige weitere unschöne dinge. und dann bekam er sich auch nicht wieder ein.
hat dann versucht iwi alles umzudrehen. er wäre ja der wahre typ und was ich mir überhaupt einbilde.
ach ja. ich sagte ihm. junge. bleib cool oder ich muss mal was ins forum schreiben. darauf meinte er. aha biste also eine von den forums nutten und reportest spieler usw usw. ich sagte ja klar. wenn es konkrete beweise gibt. sicher. warum nicht. ich mag wbks und die jungs und den server. also helfe ich. ich reporte nicht einfach so aus langeweile und auch nicht jedermann.

jedenfalls. hat er immer wieder mit Judge gedroht. er sei mit ihm aufm TS. er braucht nur n wort zu sagen und dann. dann wäre ich gebannt usw usw. also voll den dicken raushängen lassen. und im namen von judge sprechen.

1. stimmt es das er aufm TS mit judge rumhängt und das er das ausnutzt um andere zu bannen denen er nicht blöd kommen kann?

2. was nennt der leute die hier ins forum schreiben nutten.

3. gehören solche leute wirklich auf den server?

4. was sagt judge dazu, das er seinen namen missbraucht.

ich meine so seine ausraster gingen ja noch. aber dann das mit den nutten und fucking cunt, und er wäre ja hier der king und judge hört auf sein kommando. was soll das?

ich beobachte den pimpJihad schon eine ganze weile. der ist ja schon seit monaten und jahren auf dem n metro no rules server. habe nie mit ihm zu tun direkt. aber man sieht ja gewisse leute immer wieder über die jahre. und schon immer war das ein stress macher. ich sage es ganz ehrlich. wenn der da weiter sowas macht. und keine den aufhält. dann verliere ich auch die lust auf dem server zu spielen. denn dann muss ich mir sein getue antun. sein gehabe als wäre er selbst ein admin und köne jeden bannen lassen. usw usw.

der sollte mal. wenn Judge ihn wirklich kennt mal nen kurs in manieren bekommen und den hinweis das er sich mal zurücknehmen sollte. andere nicht beleidigen soll. provozieren und dann noch mitm bann drohen und das alles mit der ausnutzen von Judge seinen namen. schande. jemand sollte dem halt mal ein paar worte dazu sagen das er mal kürzer treten soll. das war schon extrem alles.

die beleidigung lass ich mal weg. aber das er mit Judge aufm TS hängt und Judge alle bannt die pimpJihad gebannt haben will....das ist hat Judge nicht verdient so benutzt zu werden. ich bezweifle ja auch das es überhaupt stimmt. aber das erzählt er dort jedem.

egal. wünche einen schönen tag. wenn ich hacker finde werde ich sie selbstverständlich wieder melden :) habt spaß und bis zum nächsten mal xD

mfg LR
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Re: BF3 - Cheater melden

Post by Pimp.Jihad »

First of all, i see this thread on cheaters.

Second you are draging me into a public forum, and saying stuff about me wich is a lie!

Thirdly, for many years me and me friends love the WBKS server , we support it, and we help keep it fair and clean from hackers, cheaters , glitchers etc.

Now to make this short : today we were trying to ban the papa guy as he had a aimbot, midst of this i said after having a facepalm, to players , " you cock a cola sucker, or cock sucker, etc" vote, no one did vote, instead you reacted, askt me if i got athority on the server, provoking me, so i said, i have helped get rid of bad players, and thats it. (contra to you trying to climb the ladder on forum to reach admin status maybe)

now you got involved, and start attack me, instead of focusing on the player who cheated whom i started a voteban on, and it expired, then acid started a voteban it expired, and that the hacker had messed up the procon so that it expired 10 sec after initiating a vote..

We were focused on geting rid of the cheater, while you were typing so much against me, oposing me instead?

Now after that you started to lie about me, i can get at least 20 guys in this thread to backup my statement , and including Judge whom you willingly have involved in this topic, far as i understand you are inisuating that judge is my "bitch" and i control him, is that what you are trying to inisuate?

now, i dont like flames , and hate to be flamed, but you "Cs" are out of line in your behaviour, dont involve me on this subject if you cant handle the heat.

Fair and simple, else i promise you 20 more guys will be backing me up in this, cause all we do on metro is to keep it clean, from cheaters, and metaforicaly say "cock suckers" as EA implemented as a qute for regulare chat.

So we never EVER abused anyone, its all about the statement and context of the words, nothing personal, if you get the drift that it.

So i advice you strongly, DONT involve me into your bad day and lie and acuse me for something you provoked forth.
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Re: BF3 - Cheater melden

Post by judge1967 »

LordRade wrote:Hallo liebe WBKSler.

kann mir mal einer sagen warum sich manche auf dem Metro no rules server aufführen als gehöre er ihnen?
Gestern. Eine Situation. es gab da einen Spieler papa-irgentwas. Um den geht es nicht direkt.

viele waren der Meinung das er hackt oder iwi schummelt. Darauf kam dieser pimpJihad und fing an von wegen. Nein papa. der hackt nicht. mach sie alle fertig papa. und blablabla. du hast meinen segen papa und und.

da sagten ihm einige und ich auch. shut up. da fing der scheiß dann erst an. er wäre hier die nummer. er kennt judge. er würde mir nen ban verschaffen und ob ich einen wolle. dann nannte er mich noch focking cunt und einige weitere unschöne dinge. und dann bekam er sich auch nicht wieder ein.
hat dann versucht iwi alles umzudrehen. er wäre ja der wahre typ und was ich mir überhaupt einbilde.
ach ja. ich sagte ihm. junge. bleib cool oder ich muss mal was ins forum schreiben. darauf meinte er. aha biste also eine von den forums nutten und reportest spieler usw usw. ich sagte ja klar. wenn es konkrete beweise gibt. sicher. warum nicht. ich mag wbks und die jungs und den server. also helfe ich. ich reporte nicht einfach so aus langeweile und auch nicht jedermann.

jedenfalls. hat er immer wieder mit Judge gedroht. er sei mit ihm aufm TS. er braucht nur n wort zu sagen und dann. dann wäre ich gebannt usw usw. also voll den dicken raushängen lassen. und im namen von judge sprechen.

1. stimmt es das er aufm TS mit judge rumhängt und das er das ausnutzt um andere zu bannen denen er nicht blöd kommen kann?

2. was nennt der leute die hier ins forum schreiben nutten.

3. gehören solche leute wirklich auf den server?

4. was sagt judge dazu, das er seinen namen missbraucht.

ich meine so seine ausraster gingen ja noch. aber dann das mit den nutten und fucking cunt, und er wäre ja hier der king und judge hört auf sein kommando. was soll das?

ich beobachte den pimpJihad schon eine ganze weile. der ist ja schon seit monaten und jahren auf dem n metro no rules server. habe nie mit ihm zu tun direkt. aber man sieht ja gewisse leute immer wieder über die jahre. und schon immer war das ein stress macher. ich sage es ganz ehrlich. wenn der da weiter sowas macht. und keine den aufhält. dann verliere ich auch die lust auf dem server zu spielen. denn dann muss ich mir sein getue antun. sein gehabe als wäre er selbst ein admin und köne jeden bannen lassen. usw usw.

der sollte mal. wenn Judge ihn wirklich kennt mal nen kurs in manieren bekommen und den hinweis das er sich mal zurücknehmen sollte. andere nicht beleidigen soll. provozieren und dann noch mitm bann drohen und das alles mit der ausnutzen von Judge seinen namen. schande. jemand sollte dem halt mal ein paar worte dazu sagen das er mal kürzer treten soll. das war schon extrem alles.

die beleidigung lass ich mal weg. aber das er mit Judge aufm TS hängt und Judge alle bannt die pimpJihad gebannt haben will....das ist hat Judge nicht verdient so benutzt zu werden. ich bezweifle ja auch das es überhaupt stimmt. aber das erzählt er dort jedem.

egal. wünche einen schönen tag. wenn ich hacker finde werde ich sie selbstverständlich wieder melden :) habt spaß und bis zum nächsten mal xD

mfg LR
Why put me in this? I haven't played BF3 or been in TS all day Wednesday due to being unwell.
I did ban the said gamer as I was in Procon at the time.
I will receive chat logs for this.
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Re: BF3 - Cheater melden

Post by Niouuuu »

Ich versuchs jetzt ein letztes Mal mit den Glitchern auf eurem Aftermath Server. Wäre schön, wenn da
endlich mal ein Admin was machen würde

KPbIC0JIOB_bambi ... IOB_bambi/

Battlereport: ... 292584029/
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Re: BF3 - Cheater melden

Post by LordRade »

1. Ive told you, you will get an post due to your insults.

2. i do not care about anything what you thought about papa, what you did to him. nothing. i do not know anything about this papa. and i didnt said anything about him. just about you and your behavior.

many ppl suspect this papa as an cheater. and when i came back, after a short afk time. i read:

no papa is not a hacker. go on papa, you have my blessing, fock them all up. this is what you said.

and i said. and you are? nobody. so shut up. this is what i said.

from this moment. your rage-game begun. youve used judges name, you told me you are on TS with him. one word and i will get a ban. do you like to have one? do you? and blablablala.
you called me a focking cunt, you said: so, you are one of these forum whores. and a few things more.

so dont try to fool me or someone else here.
you just couldnt live with the thought that somoene told you to shut up !!! thats all i see there.
stop to encourage cheaters to fuck all up or stop to give him your belssing. not even for fun or sarcasm. and no one will tell you to shut up.

what you said before. or what you did with papa or not. i dont care. and i didnt seen any of it. i just know what you called me. and what you said about ppl using the forum and how you used "i will get you a ban" in judges name.

""far as i understand you are inisuating that judge is my "bitch" and i control him, is that what you are trying to inisuate?""
Nope, you are the one who try to make it look like this. not me. why? do you hope someone will stand by your side because of this? i dont know.
you used his name for that. did ive tried to threaten people with a ban? because im sitting with judge on TS? or was that you? lol funny how you try to turn it around.

""midst of this i said after having a facepalm, to players , " you cock a cola sucker, or cock sucker, etc""
lol. so becase they didnt vote like you wish, they has to be called cock suckers? interessting behavior.

""and metaforicaly say "cock suckers" as EA implemented as a qute for regulare chat""
yes. and due to this. everyone has to accept that you call him a cock sucker...semms right. LOL and you want to told me something about "behavior"??

""but you "Cs" are out of line in your behaviour, dont involve me on this subject if you cant handle the heat.""
and still you try to cause a flame. "Cs". lol whats up? speak it out.

""else i promise you 20 more guys will be backing me up in this""

lol who? do you know there is a chat log for this? do you know i was with a squad of freinds in there who have seen your behavior on this? lol i doubt.
so you need 20 ppl to help ya out there? lol must be half the the whole players on this server that night ;)
we dont need any help of anyone. i think judge can check the chat log about this. not your friends not my friends.

just stop to behave like this. and you will not face any problem with me. it was just to much big boss like. your behavior. thats why i told you to shut up. but you couldnt stop and you started insults and who knows what.

ok. so you say, you didnt called me focking cunt, forum whore and you didnt show-off with "i know judge, im on TS" with him and could get you a ban?. and you didnt asked me if i like to have a ban and you said my arse is done? you would just need to speak to judge for that? you say, you ddint said anything of this?
because if you do. and judge can check the chat log. then....its the most stuipd thing you can do....

""askt me if i got athority on the server, provoking me, so i said, i have helped get rid of bad players, and thats it. (contra to you trying to climb the ladder on forum to reach admin status maybe)""

i didnt asked you anything about athorityty. i told you, if you go on, you will get a report. thats all. dont start to have fantasys.
we didnt spoke about cheaters. maybe you with your friends. the only thing you said to me was insults. and youve tried to show me your balls.or play big boss. i dont know. choose one.

and dude....""(contra to you trying to climb the ladder on forum to reach admin status maybe)"" really? LOL. i think this shows, what kind of dude you are and how you one try anything of this. and thats more then embarrassing...

you accusing me of lies. but same time. you didnt even told the half truth about what you said for real.
i think if judge checks the logs about that. he will see what i ment. and what you said. and which words you used.
not everyone is your puppet or will fall on their knees because they have to fear you.

i dont need to climb up any ladder. i dont need to lie. and i dont need to flame. it is just you and your wounded ego. someone told you to shut up. you get in rage. you made insults, you used admins name to threaten with bans. you get unexpected resistances and you see someone speaks about it you care and try to makeit seem the other way round. lol. fail.

and yes judge. when this is over. please delte this posts. you are right. this is for cheaters. sorry. pls check the logs. and tell me i didnt spoke the truth.
or maybe. you can move this post to another thread. sorry.

have a good day.
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Re: BF3 - Cheater melden

Post by _PaTTy_ »

Niouuuu wrote:Ich versuchs jetzt ein letztes Mal mit den Glitchern auf eurem Aftermath Server. Wäre schön, wenn da
endlich mal ein Admin was machen würde

KPbIC0JIOB_bambi ... IOB_bambi/

Battlereport: ... 292584029/

Ist vorläufig entsorgt, danke.

MfG Patty
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Re: BF3 - Cheater melden

Post by Niouuuu »

_PaTTy_ wrote:
Niouuuu wrote:Ich versuchs jetzt ein letztes Mal mit den Glitchern auf eurem Aftermath Server. Wäre schön, wenn da
endlich mal ein Admin was machen würde

KPbIC0JIOB_bambi ... IOB_bambi/

Battlereport: ... 292584029/

Ist vorläufig entsorgt, danke.

MfG Patty
Danke! 8-)
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Re: BF3 - Cheater melden

Post by Pimp.Jihad »

LordRade wrote:1. Ive told you, you will get an post due to your insults.

2. i do not care about anything what you thought about papa, what you did to him. nothing. i do not know anything about this papa. and i didnt said anything about him. just about you and your behavior.

many ppl suspect this papa as an cheater. and when i came back, after a short afk time. i read:

no papa is not a hacker. go on papa, you have my blessing, fock them all up. this is what you said.

and i said. and you are? nobody. so shut up. this is what i said.

from this moment. your rage-game begun. youve used judges name, you told me you are on TS with him. one word and i will get a ban. do you like to have one? do you? and blablablala.
you called me a focking cunt, you said: so, you are one of these forum whores. and a few things more.

so dont try to fool me or someone else here.
you just couldnt live with the thought that somoene told you to shut up !!! thats all i see there.
stop to encourage cheaters to fuck all up or stop to give him your belssing. not even for fun or sarcasm. and no one will tell you to shut up.

what you said before. or what you did with papa or not. i dont care. and i didnt seen any of it. i just know what you called me. and what you said about ppl using the forum and how you used "i will get you a ban" in judges name.

""far as i understand you are inisuating that judge is my "bitch" and i control him, is that what you are trying to inisuate?""
Nope, you are the one who try to make it look like this. not me. why? do you hope someone will stand by your side because of this? i dont know.
you used his name for that. did ive tried to threaten people with a ban? because im sitting with judge on TS? or was that you? lol funny how you try to turn it around.

""midst of this i said after having a facepalm, to players , " you cock a cola sucker, or cock sucker, etc""
lol. so becase they didnt vote like you wish, they has to be called cock suckers? interessting behavior.

""and metaforicaly say "cock suckers" as EA implemented as a qute for regulare chat""
yes. and due to this. everyone has to accept that you call him a cock sucker...semms right. LOL and you want to told me something about "behavior"??

""but you "Cs" are out of line in your behaviour, dont involve me on this subject if you cant handle the heat.""
and still you try to cause a flame. "Cs". lol whats up? speak it out.

""else i promise you 20 more guys will be backing me up in this""

lol who? do you know there is a chat log for this? do you know i was with a squad of freinds in there who have seen your behavior on this? lol i doubt.
so you need 20 ppl to help ya out there? lol must be half the the whole players on this server that night ;)
we dont need any help of anyone. i think judge can check the chat log about this. not your friends not my friends.

just stop to behave like this. and you will not face any problem with me. it was just to much big boss like. your behavior. thats why i told you to shut up. but you couldnt stop and you started insults and who knows what.

ok. so you say, you didnt called me focking cunt, forum whore and you didnt show-off with "i know judge, im on TS" with him and could get you a ban?. and you didnt asked me if i like to have a ban and you said my arse is done? you would just need to speak to judge for that? you say, you ddint said anything of this?
because if you do. and judge can check the chat log. then....its the most stuipd thing you can do....

""askt me if i got athority on the server, provoking me, so i said, i have helped get rid of bad players, and thats it. (contra to you trying to climb the ladder on forum to reach admin status maybe)""

i didnt asked you anything about athorityty. i told you, if you go on, you will get a report. thats all. dont start to have fantasys.
we didnt spoke about cheaters. maybe you with your friends. the only thing you said to me was insults. and youve tried to show me your balls.or play big boss. i dont know. choose one.

and dude....""(contra to you trying to climb the ladder on forum to reach admin status maybe)"" really? LOL. i think this shows, what kind of dude you are and how you one try anything of this. and thats more then embarrassing...

you accusing me of lies. but same time. you didnt even told the half truth about what you said for real.
i think if judge checks the logs about that. he will see what i ment. and what you said. and which words you used.
not everyone is your puppet or will fall on their knees because they have to fear you.

i dont need to climb up any ladder. i dont need to lie. and i dont need to flame. it is just you and your wounded ego. someone told you to shut up. you get in rage. you made insults, you used admins name to threaten with bans. you get unexpected resistances and you see someone speaks about it you care and try to makeit seem the other way round. lol. fail.

and yes judge. when this is over. please delte this posts. you are right. this is for cheaters. sorry. pls check the logs. and tell me i didnt spoke the truth.
or maybe. you can move this post to another thread. sorry.

have a good day.
Why are you on my ass?
Did i cheat?
Did i Glitch?

And clearly you did not read my post carefully, as i did mention its under the context, you are taking my words out of the context and trying to say that i abused , now grow the F# up son!

Clearly you are butthurt, or Umad, or i dont know what else of a bad day you had or having, but pour that on some one else, Gzzzas man... you need the prise of being ubernub!
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Re: BF3 - Cheater melden

Post by LordRade »

Why are you on my ass?
you are taking my words out of the context and trying to say that i abused , now grow the F# up son!
Clearly you are butthurt, or Umad, or i dont know what else of a bad day you had or having.

LOL. Nope. Its always the same with you. Big Boss behave. accusing others, and afterwards. no dont involve me, dont blame me, dont look at me etc etc.
its just an echo of your actions. you offend others, you accuse others of cheating, hacking whatever. and then you think no one can blame you or ask you, anything.
when Pimp says, then it is law. LOL

its okay dude. look. whatever you talk now. its your beer. what context? and why you always mention this cheater/glitcher? its not about him. its about you.
fact is. you did offended me massivly. you used Judge´s power to ban to scare me off, you called me and indirectly all others here "forum whore" because i said i will write a forum enty about that. and now you behave like you are the adult and all others are noobs and kids. now you try to make it look ridiculous. and you're fine out. sure, people are just bored and have nothing else to do, then write a forum post about someone who didnt done anything. are you mad?

again. when i went in. after some afk time. i saw how you wrote: go on papa, fuck them all up papa, you have my blessing papa. now why you said this, or which context was behind this. doesnt matter. ive read this, and asked you something. then you start to rage, to offend, and to threaten, is that clear now?
anything beside this doesnt matter. maybe for you but not for me. or did i started to offend you? no right? then why you did? you could also just say, LOL, or whatever dude etc etc. no you needed to show off, i know judge i can give you a ban. you forum whore, cock sucker and blablablabla.

you can play your show here. but this number does not pull.
its okay. try your tricks to someone else. and have your fanatasy "context" and still try to offend me around the corner lol. you cant fight me like that.

its funny. in any post of you always the same pattern. you accuse someone, then you argue it off like you hadnt to do anytthing with it. and you demand that you be left you out there...all of them are are the adult blablabla.

lol. its okay. do your show. but do not try to fool me. i know that you said and why you said it. do your show with victims who dosent fight. not with me. end of discussion.
i dont like to play this game. no you said no i said no we said. you'll deny everything anyway.

again. you said. forum whore, you have threatened, and other things. even if someone said something to you. that is how you have to behave? that is how a reaction should look like? did i said you are "nobody"? or did i said you are nobody you whore? because that makes a diffrent. i wasnt offending you!!! you had no reason to freak out like this. and to insult me like you did. that is the only thing what matters. the rest....whatever you like.

""Gzzzas man... you need the prise of being ubernub!"" lol like i said. same pattern. do it even more. maybe it will look more like you're "right" im sure. such spokes will do it ;)

dude. just know what you did. and have balls and confess it to yourself. and all is fine. it will lead to no where if you try to deny anything. it will run in circles. you didnt mention, not only once, that you said these words "but" context blabla. you. you just deny anything and and none of it ever happened. LOl funny.

its okay. you are right. i am wrong. lol. if you like. we can make it so ;)

and now we stop this here. its for cheaters. and not for that. was may fault to post it here. sry judge. pls delete this soon. thx.

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