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Server R23

Posted: Monday 11. October 2010, 10:36
by JLe72
Seit Freitag haben Wir den ServerPatch R23.
Ich frage mich nur, wann EA/DICE endlich mal den nächsten Client Patch für UNS rausbringt, der das Laggen verringern soll :twisted:

EA/DICE wrote: DICE have released Server Update R23 to fix a number of exploits.
Although this is an optional update, all servers will be forced to R23 by Friday, 8th at 8am BST (assuming no issues are found).

Re: Server R23

Posted: Monday 11. October 2010, 15:01
by captainfuture2
Jörg Du weist doch der kommt wie immer BALD :D