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Suspected cheat

Posted: Saturday 24. September 2022, 16:47
Of we are not allowed to spectate,

Could I request that an admin spectate a player called Hopolla I think that was his name, butbi will confirm shortly.

Could you spectate and record and also submit a ticket to BF4BD discord, sombody has reported the player before with too little evidence and therefore we must push for a ban on their discord.

He was reported for wall hack/ESP. with no prior knowledge of the player I also called him out last night, between say 9:30-10pm UK time. I think that he is using a wall hack and very clever use at that.

Re: Suspected cheat

Posted: Saturday 24. September 2022, 22:07
"h0blaa" is the name of the person in the above post

Re: Suspected cheat

Posted: Sunday 25. September 2022, 18:12
by Elfe1090
There is no proof that he is cheating.

Our spec is open for players, so you are allowed to join to get your proof, for bf4db if you need