Search found 12 matches

by MadzXD
Tuesday 20. March 2018, 20:15
Forum: Report a Cheater / Cheater melden
Topic: Battlefield 3 - Report a Cheater / Cheater melden
Replies: 1703
Views: 651252

Re: BF3 - Cheater melden

judge1967 wrote:
MadzXD wrote:And so guys, what do you guys think about that? 425 kills, no doubt he has a lot of "skill".
PS.:This player is not affiliated with XN, in ANY way.

He has been AutoBanned.


by MadzXD
Sunday 18. March 2018, 01:15
Forum: Verschiedenes
Topic: A doubt!
Replies: 2
Views: 3705

Re: A doubt!

Elfe1090 wrote:
MadzXD wrote:The GP-30 Dart is not a grenade launcher but technically a shotgun, is it allowed to use it on the [WBKS] Gaming #3 Metro server?


by MadzXD
Saturday 17. March 2018, 22:38
Forum: Verschiedenes
Topic: A doubt!
Replies: 2
Views: 3705

A doubt!

The GP-30 Dart is not a grenade launcher but technically a shotgun, is it allowed to use it on the [WBKS] Gaming #3 Metro server?
by MadzXD
Saturday 17. March 2018, 21:52
Forum: Report a Cheater / Cheater melden
Topic: Battlefield 3 - Report a Cheater / Cheater melden
Replies: 1703
Views: 651252

Re: BF3 - Cheater melden

And so guys, what do you guys think about that? 425 kills, no doubt he has a lot of "skill".
PS.:This player is not affiliated with XN, in ANY way.
by MadzXD
Wednesday 21. February 2018, 19:42
Forum: Battlefield 3 - Appeal your Ban
Topic: Ban Appeal
Replies: 4
Views: 2910

Re: Ban Appeal

For WBKS admins.
Banned on Xtremenoobs and SKL gaming too.
XN:02-09-2018 02:14 pm Banned fizzyansari DPS Automatic Ban [LIVE][4-AEK971-86-32-3-37] [AutoAdmin]
SKL:He admitted use hacks
by MadzXD
Saturday 7. January 2017, 20:46
Forum: Report a Cheater / Cheater melden
Topic: Battlefield 3 - Report a Cheater / Cheater melden
Replies: 1703
Views: 651252

Re: BF3 - Cheater melden

judge1967 wrote:
MadzXD wrote:Retard Teamkiller.
That angry boy started giving me tks for no apparent reason.
Evidence: ... 059373123/ and server logs.
Given Time Ban.
by MadzXD
Saturday 7. January 2017, 20:37
Forum: Ask us, we will try to answer!
Topic: Votekick Exploit-Abuse
Replies: 6
Views: 4090

Re: Votekick Exploit-Abuse

... of the low amount of votes required to kick/ban a player,32 players on server and only 5 votes to kick, I do not understand this mathematics... That's not right... there are more as 5 votes needed! I do not know if it was exactly 5 it could have been 6 or 7 It sure was not more than that,If it ...
by MadzXD
Saturday 7. January 2017, 04:00
Forum: Report a Cheater / Cheater melden
Topic: Battlefield 3 - Report a Cheater / Cheater melden
Replies: 1703
Views: 651252

Re: BF3 - Cheater melden

Retard Teamkiller.
That angry boy started giving me tks for no apparent reason.
Evidence: ... 059373123/ and server logs.
by MadzXD
Saturday 7. January 2017, 03:58
Forum: Report a Cheater / Cheater melden
Topic: Battlefield 4 - Report a Cheater / Cheater melden
Replies: 1548
Views: 652842

Re: BF4 - Cheater melden

Edit: sry wrong subforum.
by MadzXD
Wednesday 4. January 2017, 01:31
Forum: Ask us, we will try to answer!
Topic: Votekick Exploit-Abuse
Replies: 6
Views: 4090

Re: Votekick Exploit-Abuse

Hi WBKS admins, Recently, an exploit has become very popular in Metro server that player abuse the Votekick/ban players on the server, allows them to kick players just because they get killed so many times by the player . Not only that, a player start a vote on someone just because he don't like hi...

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