Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von fimoTheNoob
Sonntag 13. Juni 2021, 19:06
Forum: Aktuelle Battlefield 4 News
Thema: Hello all
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 3691

Re: Hello all

Thanks for welcome, question ..where us the best place to start for a guy still trying to get sensitivity right.. I'm trying to learn and be a bit more efficient for my team 🙈

Edit : TS3 ?
Edit 2 : I'll read around.. teamspeak3 🤗
von fimoTheNoob
Sonntag 13. Juni 2021, 13:33
Forum: Aktuelle Battlefield 4 News
Thema: Hello all
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 3691

Hello all

New here.. new to game..my name is royi 40 yo from israel seems like a good place to start :)
Very noob here.. any advice will be appreciated.
Anyways just wanted to say hi..
Just did the vip thingy much appreciate to not get mistreated like i have in other places.
Your server is the only one not ...

Zur erweiterten Suche