Search found 6 matches

by Flappyballsmcfly
Thursday 11. November 2021, 12:32
Forum: Report a Cheater / Cheater melden
Topic: Battlefield 4 - Report a Cheater / Cheater melden
Replies: 1548
Views: 653126

Re: Battlefield 4 - Report a Cheater / Cheater melden

Hi, I will make a video with my phone next time, too lazy to start a stream just for that -_-' I just do my stuff alone, I have almost no interaction with the other players and my chat is, most of the time, disabled, thus i can stay focus on my games. All I see is, this "gamer", doing cons...
by Flappyballsmcfly
Sunday 7. November 2021, 18:00
Forum: Report a Cheater / Cheater melden
Topic: Battlefield 4 - Report a Cheater / Cheater melden
Replies: 1548
Views: 653126

Re: Battlefield 4 - Report a Cheater / Cheater melden

Hi guys, I have an issue with a gamer playing on the BF4 Goldmud 24h server. This person is constantly putting team C4 on my vehiculs as soon as he joined the server. if I change team he will do the same and continue to put c4 on my vehiculs. As a result, when an ennemy is shooting at me, the c4 blo...
by Flappyballsmcfly
Sunday 4. April 2021, 20:27
Forum: Report a Cheater / Cheater melden
Topic: Battlefield 4 - Report a Cheater / Cheater melden
Replies: 1548
Views: 653126

Re: Battlefield 4 - Report a Cheater / Cheater melden

Hi JeanKatana, I just saw your videos, it is pretty clear that Sir Pie is actually not shooting at you, because you died from incendiary grenade which is available in the tank when you switch seat from pilot to gunner. The incendiary grenade deals damage over time to the target in the area of effect...
by Flappyballsmcfly
Saturday 26. September 2020, 17:41
Forum: Battlefield 4 - Appeal your Ban
Topic: Ban appeal BF4 - Golmud server 3220 tickets
Replies: 4
Views: 2232

Re: Ban appeal BF4 - Golmud server 3220 tickets

Hello JLE72,

Oki thx a lot :D
by Flappyballsmcfly
Saturday 26. September 2020, 15:42
Forum: Battlefield 4 - Appeal your Ban
Topic: Ban appeal BF4 - Golmud server 3220 tickets
Replies: 4
Views: 2232

Ban appeal BF4 - Golmud server 3220 tickets

Hi guys,

I would like appeal the ban I got today from JL72 while playing on your BF4 only Golmud server.
My gamer tag is FlappyBallsMcFly.
Elf1090 told me you were already investigating about the ban.
I create this topic in order to not flood your chatbox and properly appeal the ban.

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