Search found 2 matches

by Slovenianpatriot
Monday 13. April 2020, 12:24
Forum: Verschiedenes
Topic: Battlefield3 #7WBKS
Replies: 27
Views: 23566

Re: Battlefield3 #7WBKS

Karkand and Sharqi are bomb in hard core mode
by Slovenianpatriot
Sunday 12. April 2020, 14:58
Forum: Verschiedenes
Topic: Battlefield3 #7WBKS
Replies: 27
Views: 23566

Re: Battlefield3 #7WBKS

As have my friends explained we are all interested in new game modes being alowed on your servers. It would make a great deal to us, because the freshness of hardcore mode in rush is just too good to miss. We believe that you will gain more players by doing this move.

best regards

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