Die Suche ergab 6 Treffer

von pullecalo
Sonntag 5. Mai 2019, 17:15
Forum: Aktuelle Battlefield 4 News
Thema: Clan ov3r in your Server every Sunday?? -------------
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 10353

Re: Clan ov3r in your Server every Sunday?? -------------

Any server it's ok! We would like join in ONE of your servers
von pullecalo
Montag 15. April 2019, 19:34
Forum: Aktuelle Battlefield 4 News
Thema: Clan ov3r in your Server every Sunday?? -------------
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 10353

Re: Clan ov3r in your Server every Sunday?? -------------

The clan (ov3R) would like to play in the same faction.

Also we could play with your clan or against (not competitive just for fun)
von pullecalo
Montag 15. April 2019, 18:38
Forum: Aktuelle Battlefield 4 News
Thema: Clan ov3r in your Server every Sunday?? -------------
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 10353

Re: Clan ov3r in your Server every Sunday?? -------------

I don't remember the server, but anyone it's ok, do you think is possible? We would like to establish a friendship :)
von pullecalo
Sonntag 14. April 2019, 19:37
Forum: Aktuelle Battlefield 4 News
Thema: Clan ov3r in your Server every Sunday?? -------------
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 10353

Clan ov3r in your Server every Sunday?? -------------

Hi all!
I am part of a large clan called "ov3r", we would love to play with you, is it possible for us to be in the same faction through the server's admin? We are 15-25 every Sunday. Thank you!


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