Die Suche ergab 8 Treffer

von TeeMustonen
Sonntag 18. November 2018, 18:47
Forum: Battlefield 4 - Appeal your Ban
Thema: Ban appeal for automatic ban
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 3926

Re: Ban appeal for automatic ban

Hi mate,

As a member of the BF4DB staff i know about this issue. Clean ur k/h percentage and then we can talk about unbanning u. In thecfuture, keep an eye om this stat. We cant endlessly unban u for this. Try to prevent it by watching the 247fairplay percentages.


Understood ...
von TeeMustonen
Samstag 17. November 2018, 22:10
Forum: Battlefield 4 - Appeal your Ban
Thema: Ban appeal for automatic ban
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 3926

Re: Ban appeal for automatic ban

It seems the ban gets automatically reset even if it is manually lifted... :(
I was able to play on the server for a few minutes but then got auto kicked again.

The message that appeared for a split second read this:
Game disconnected: you were kicked by an admin. Stated reason: DPS ...
von TeeMustonen
Freitag 16. November 2018, 20:14
Forum: Battlefield 4 - Appeal your Ban
Thema: Ban appeal for automatic ban
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 3926

Re: Ban appeal for automatic ban

It seems the ban gets automatically reset even if it is manually lifted... :(
I was able to play on the server for a few minutes but then got auto kicked again.

The message that appeared for a split second read this:
Game disconnected: you were kicked by an admin. Stated reason: DPS ...
von TeeMustonen
Freitag 16. November 2018, 19:28
Forum: Battlefield 4 - Appeal your Ban
Thema: Ban appeal for automatic ban
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 3926

Re: Ban appeal for automatic ban

judge1967 hat geschrieben:Hi

I will remove this ban, Metabans closed over a year ago so that won't be a factor.

Thank you. I'll test joining on the server again later this evening :)
von TeeMustonen
Freitag 16. November 2018, 19:12
Forum: Battlefield 4 - Appeal your Ban
Thema: Ban appeal for automatic ban
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 3926

Ban appeal for automatic ban

it appears I've been banned automatically for too high DPS in my stats. I have a thread regarding this on bf4db.com and I was told to link it here for help.


As far as I know your server isn't the only one that kicks me out for this so I ...
von TeeMustonen
Dienstag 13. November 2018, 22:38
Forum: Report a Cheater / Cheater melden
Thema: Battlefield 4 - Report a Cheater / Cheater melden
Antworten: 1548
Zugriffe: 727465

BF4 - Reporting a cheater

Reporting this player (D5-09-65-25-6D) based on his recent battlereports and stats.

Also he has 100% kill/hit -ratio on the P226:
(as of 13th of November 2018)
https://www.247fairplay.com/CheatDetect ... 9-65-25-6D

Screenshot of stats on 247fairplay.com

von TeeMustonen
Sonntag 21. Oktober 2018, 17:17
Forum: Join Us
Thema: JoinUs - TeeMustonen
Antworten: 12
Zugriffe: 8375

Re: TeeMustonen

Thanks for responding, so excited to finally become a member!
Let me know if you have any questions!
von TeeMustonen
Freitag 19. Oktober 2018, 17:47
Forum: Join Us
Thema: JoinUs - TeeMustonen
Antworten: 12
Zugriffe: 8375

JoinUs - TeeMustonen

Hi guys! This is my application for joining the [WBKS] -clan.

• My name is Teemu and my nickname on battlelog and origin is TeeMustonen ( TeeMust1n on PSN)

• I am 20 years old (21 in Feb 2019) and I live in southern Finland (Tampere).

• I speak finnish and english, but I don't understand german ...

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